Orb Reality bridges the gap between V.R., video games and conventional video by allowing users to intuitively and seamlessly control perspective, zoom, and viewing angle without additional hardware or software. Our technology works with consumer grade Wi-Fi, but the advent of 5G will provide a foundation for even more exciting interactive features. There really is no way to fully explain O.R. Our website will give you an idea, but you have to experience it for yourself! Contact us for a live version on your mobile or desktop.
Video Reimagined
Orb Reality™ is pleased to announce a significant innovation in web-based streaming video,
where viewers are able to seamlessly interact with video on platform independent browsers,
mobile devices or TVs.
Orb Reality bridges the gap between V.R., video games and conventional video by allowing users to intuitively and seamlessly control perspective, zoom, and viewing angle without additional hardware or software. Our technology works with consumer grade Wi-Fi, but the advent of 5G will provide a foundation for even more exciting interactive features.
There really is no way to fully explain O.R. Our website will give you an idea, but you can experience it yourself! Contact us for a live version on your mobile or desktop.

Current Features

The key to O.R. is its ability to rapidly switch between 48 separate videos on consumer-grade hardware over wi-fi. We also have proprietary methods to ensure stability and synchronization of multiple videos to deliver a smooth, stable product at a practical cost.

Because O.R. allows the user to change cameras and perspectives, a traditional zoom into, say, the top right corner would remain locked in this region even after the user has rotated around the scene. Our spatially dynamic zoom feature automatically maintains the area of interest no matter which camera is selected.

One of the primary features of O.R. is giving control and creativity to the user. But O.R. also gives filmmakers the ability to add artistic touches. Our director’s cut feature can pre-embed functionality into videos, such as camera selection, direction of rotation (left/right/up/down) as well as zoom, pause & play. In this way, users can enjoy the functionality of the system without activating any controls and even have the option of recording their own playback preferences to create their own “director’s cut” for sharing with other viewers.

Orb Reality takes surround-sound to a new level. Unlike traditional stereo and quadraphonic sound, the sound travels as viewers rotate around the scene; creating a 360° sound-effect even when the user is using a single speaker. When an actor is nearby a given camera, his/her voice will dominate the ambient conversation and fade off as the user rotates around the scene, so viewers can “eavesdrop” on other actors. Each camera can record its own audio using its own microphone, or audio can be pre-or post-recorded.

There are challenges with green screening a scene surrounded by cameras, because green screens can interfere with lighting and lines-of-sight. Major studios resolve this by employing huge stages with green walls, but this is impractical for smaller studios and media creators. Our custom-made flexible plywood green screens (with appropriate holes for cameras) solves the problem, but in situations where green screens are impractical (e.g. outdoor shoots), our AI Green Screen technology uses motion to deftly mask actors from backgrounds, who can then be placed into any virtual or HDRI panoramic environment.

Adding another dimension to the viewing experience, Orb Reality videos are fully 3D compatible. Users can view 3D videos on their mobile devices with any number of commercially available 3D viewers or VR headsets. Our software automatically detects when the viewer is in 3D mode and will switch cameras and perspectives with a slight incline of the user’s head.

In an era where duplication of intellectual property is a click away, copyright theft is a pervasive problem for all video producers. Fortunately, O.R. videos are extremely difficult to duplicate. A simple streaming of content only produces a single camera view, which renders the experience flat and one dimensional. Additionally, Orb Reality LLC aggressively protects its patent portfolio and software, without which the videos will not play.
Future Features
Fully Immersive Orbital Rig
This is how Orb Reality got its name!
Imagine interacting with a video where you have complete freedom to move the camera in any axis -- even below – live actors! Videos filmed with our technology will take your viewers places they’ve never dreamed. Scheduled release: 2022.

O.R. solved the math behind creating virtual cameras, in which each virtual camera creates a unique perspective based on its neighboring cameras. It’s not a matter of simply averaging camera data because a new perspective must be built from scratch. The advantage of virtual cameras is self-evident: cost and flexibility with the additional cameras adding significant smoothness to O.R. panning.
Our patent pending software will enable users to smoothly access more than 100 cameras, which will allow stadium-sized shoots. This will also facilitate multi-level perspectives in the vertical and horizontal axes. With the rollout of 5G, even more cameras should be possible.
Applications for O.R.
The following applications are the tip of the iceberg. Unexpected creative applications will emerge when talented producers employ our technologies.

Music Videos
Whether viewed on the web or using our free mobile phone apps, music videos using O.R.’s traveling-sound and interactive video are practically guaranteed to go viral.

Web Engagement
Advertisers who want heightened user engagement and social media sharing of their commercials will find O.R.’s platform independent magic the perfect way to make a splash.

One of the key features of O.R.’s technology is that viewers can freeze and rotate around the action to reveal details impossible with other technology. Whether it’s how-to-serve-in-tennis, how to pitch a baseball, or how to do the tango, users will be able to examine otherwise blocked details.

Live Theater
Theater-in-the-round can now reach a brand new audience. Performances filmed in O.R. will give theater producers the ability to stage their plays to specifically take advantage of our technology.

Social Media Videos
Orb Reality creates irresistable social media content.

In 2022 we expect to offer arena sports, MMA and even baseball and football.

& more
Other applications:
• In-studio Sports
• Health and Fitness
• Web-Based Entertainment
• TikTok videos
• Product Promotion
• Movie Trailers
• Concerts (V2.0)
• TV Shows/Sitcoms (V2.0)
• Arena Sports: Basketball, Hockey, Boxing, etc. (V2.0).
Our Technology
Orb Reality sprouted from a wild idea… imagine watching streaming video and viewing the
action from any angle and perspective in “bullet time” in any axis – including from below. Film
makers would run wild with these new dimensions.
The immediate problem was finding a way to smoothly navigate between multiple video
streams and synchronizing the opening and closing of videos many times per second over
consumer-grade Wi-Fi on mobile devices! Two years later, the idea is a reality and we are able
to switch between 48 HD videos at a rate of 24 cameras per second! This rapid switching
triggers flicker-fusion in the human eye to achieve smooth, glitch free transitioning.
We offer production licenses, create videos on commission, and have assembled a top-notch
team to drive further development and sales.
Our patents protect crucial components of the
online video space, and include methods of
filming, streaming, and zooming,
Surround Video Playback (Granted). Patent
number: 8867886
Methods and systems to allow users to view
multi-stream videos from a selected
angle/direction with respect to the contents of
the multi-stream video, under user’s control. The
user may dynamically change the selection, and
thus the viewing angle. Multiple streams may be
selected to provide 3D O.R. other visual effects.
Surround Video Recording: (Granted). Publication number: 20120307068.
A method and system for multiple cameras to simultaneously film a scene to allow selective
real-time display and/or playback of individual streams under the control of a user who can
dynamically select different viewing angles. Multiple streams of the same scene may be viewed
simultaneously to provide 3D or other visual effects.
International Patents: PENDING
Orb Reality has filed a set of additional patents to protect overseas markets; including AI
methodologies (virtual cameras, dynamic green screening), smart zoom, and streaming
technology specific to O.R.
Law Firms
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Arjomand Law Group, PLLC

Frequently Asked Questions
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2731 Woodley Pl NW
Washington, DC 20008
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Monday - Friday
10:00AM - 06:00PM EST